A Clinic-Based AIDS Education Program for Female Adolescents
Investigators: Vaughn Rickert, Anita Gottlieb, & Susan Jay
Publication Date: April 27, 2016
About This Product
This is a single-session group intervention originally targeted toward sexually active girls between 13 and 21 years of age. The session includes a brief lecture on the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS (based on CDC guidelines), followed by a video explaining the purpose and use of condoms. As the session ends, participants receive an educational booklet reinforcing the program's lessons and coupons that may be redeemed anonymously for an unmarked box of condoms at a local pharmacy. The redemption rate of the coupons provides a measure of the program's impact. A field study of the intervention was conducted with 75 White and African-American females, all of whom were sexually active. Among prior purchasers of condoms, girls who took part in the intervention were significantly more likely to redeem the coupons than were control groups of their peers. Overall, 60% of program participants obtained condoms, a rate 2 1/2 times greater than that recorded in comparable programs without a confidential redemption procedure.
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Planning & Pre-Implementation
- Other Documents
- Session 1
Product Details
- Single session group intervention
- Lecture and video demonstration
- Educational booklet and coupons