How it works
How it Works
Sociometrics produces three categories of rigorous behavioral and social science-based products that are useful to a variety of health practitioners and researchers. These products fall into three categories:
Evidence Based Programs and Curricula for delivery to students, patients and community members by health educators. Administrators and program managers can choose to implement the evidence-based program(s) that best reflect the norms and standards of their community.
Capacity-Building Tools providing science-based resources to enhance the professional development of healthcare professionals.
Datasets that support primary and secondary analyses by researchers, professors and their students. The majority of these Data Sets (70%) are unique to Sociometrics and not available from any other source. Their use therefore serves as an excellent way to add relevance and value to our customers' teaching, research, and publications in the social, behavioral and health sciences.
The Evidence-Based Programs have been selected by Scientist Expert Panels on the basis of the evidence of their effectiveness in changing behaviors that put an individual's health at risk. The Datasets have been selected by Scientist Expert Panels on the basis of their scientific merit; substantive utility; and usefulness for research, policy, or practice.
Access to one or more of these products can be obtained in two ways:
with an Institutional All-Access Pass to all 400+ products on this website (contact one of our customer specialists at 650-949-3282 or; or
with an individual or group subscription to one or more products (purchase directly on this website as described below)
Our products are now being used by over 2,500 customers serving over 475,000 end-users worldwide. They have been described in many peer-reviewed scientific publications and have earned critical acclaim throughout the social, behavioral, medical, and health science communities. These fast and effective tools allow teachers, researchers and practitioners to affect positive outcomes in healthcare settings, classrooms, and communities.
Institutional All-Access Passes:
Unlimited Access to All Sociometrics Products
In response to Sociometrics’ customer requests, the Institutional All-Access Pass is now newly available. This Pass allows unlimited 24/7 usage of all products on our website--all evidence-based programs, all capacity-building tools, and all datasets--by all faculty, students, staff, and employees of subscribing institutions (an "institution" is defined as an individual University campus). The All-Access Pass is an end-to-end affordable solution meeting the widest set of our customers’ needs.
Please contact us at or (650) 949-3282 for more information or a customized estimate.
Subscriptions: Individual Products
Individuals and groups who work for an organization that does not have an Institutional All-Access Pass can still avail themselves of Sociometrics' research-based products. Sociometrics offers individual Datasets, Evidence Based Programs, and Capacity-Building Tools on a monthly subscription basis. Below is a three-step process that highlights the procedure for finding the appropriate individual products for you and your colleagues:
Step 1) Familiarize yourself with the Sociometric product groups: the Datasets, the Evidence-Based Programs, and the Professional Development Tools. From health education to professional development, to research, we provide key tools to help you carry your important work forward.
Step 2) Once you have chosen the desired product(s), simply complete the purchase online. Individual and group subscription pricing can be found here. If you need assistance with anything, Sociometrics provides trained personnel to assist you in selecting from among the many products we have available that will best suit your needs. You may choose to call our help line (650-949-3282) or send an email to to reach a member of our staff who is familiar with our products and understands the nature of social sciences teaching and research.
Step 3) Go teach, learn and empower! We strive to provide scientifically rigorous and user friendly products to meet your health education, research, and capacity-building (professional development) needs. We’ve built the bridge between complex and rigorous scientific research and effective curricula. We’ve distilled the content into materials that are easy to use, effective, and affordable so that you don’t have to.
Usage Examples

Improve health outcomes
Promote public health by implementing and evaluating an evidence-based program in your community, clinic, middle school, or high school.
View ProgramsConduct research
Teach college students or conduct your research, for theses, dissertations, or publications, by performing secondary analyses of our online exemplary datasets or by re-evaluating our evidence-based programs in your community.
View Datasets

Continue your education
Build your capacity as a health educator by taking our online capacity-building courses on the job or in your spare time.
View ToolsSome Comments From Our Expert Reviewers
"As a panelist, I have been impressed with the quality of datasets we have reviewed. Several of them I have used personally for prior research projects. Based on their quality, I have recommended the resources to my graduate students and postdoc fellows. As an added bonus, the Sociometrics staff I have worked with have been extremely professional, and organized -- a pleasure to work with."
Jenny Higgins, Ph.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Department of Gender and Women's Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Thoughtful, rich curriculum that acknowledges gender and the importance of the developmental trajectory of adolescence."
Yasamin Kusunoki, Ph.D., Faculty Associate, Population Studies Center and Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Nursing
"Useful data sets that can help point program developers to flawed reasoning and knowledge among their target populations."
"Very strong designs carried out well by a highly competent team of public health researchers. The findings will be useful to prevention program designers."
"Useful intervention with a rigorous evaluation. One of too few with good bio-data."
Brian Wilcox, PhD - Emeritus Professor of Psychology - University of Nebraska