Play and Learning Strategies (PALS) I & II: A Responsive Parenting Program for Parents of Infants and Toddlers
Investigators: Susan H. Landry, PhD & Karen E. Smith, PhD
Publication Date: May 05, 2016
About This Product
The Play and Learning Strategies (PALS) program is a home visiting intervention for parents of infants and toddlers that target aspects of a responsive parenting style shown to enhance children's cognitive and social development. The goal of the PALS program is to teach parents responsive parenting skills to support their child's social-emotional, cognitive, and language development. The parent learns specific behaviors that help her tune into her child, respond in a sensitive and contingent manner, provide appropriate cognitive and language stimulation, and manage behavior and discipline in a positive, developmentally appropriate manner.
The PALS program consists of two separate curricula: the PALS I Infant curriculum and the PALS II Toddler curriculum. Family coaches deliver the intervention by visiting families on a weekly basis over the course of three months. Each session includes a discussion of the parent's practice during the preceding week; introduction of the new topic; viewing of educational videos demonstrating the skill; guided, videotaped practice using the skill with her own child; review of the videotaped practice; and planning for practice during the upcoming week.
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Planning & Pre-Implementation
- Facilitator's Manuals
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 1
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 2
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 3
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 4
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 5
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 6
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 7
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 7a
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 8
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 9
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (English) Session 10
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Sessions 1-2
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 3
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 4
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 5
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 6
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 7
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 7a
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 8
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 9
- PALS I Infant Curriculum (Spanish) Session 10
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 1
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 1a
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 2
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 3
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 4
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 5
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 6
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 7
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 8
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 9
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 9a
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 10
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 11
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (English) Session 12
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 1
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 2
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 3
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 4
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 5
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 6
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 7
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 8
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 9
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 9a
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 10
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 11
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum (Spanish) Session 12
Product Details
- PALS I Infant Curriculum
- PALS II Toddler Curriculum
- Weekly sessions over 3 months