AIDS Prevention and Health Promotion among Women
Investigators: Stevan Hobfoll, Anita Jackson, Justin Lavin, & James Shepherd
Publication Date: April 27, 2016
About This Product
AIDS Prevention and Health Promotion among Women is designed to assist participants between 16 and 29 years of age in developing and following a sound sexual health plan. Based on the concepts of empowerment, group social support and culturally sensitive skill building, this program comprises four 1 1/2- to 2-hour small (2-8 participant) group sessions conducted over the course of three months. Video segments promote group discussion, spark group role plays and engage participants in cognitive rehearsal and guided exercises designed to encourage healthy choices about one's body and sexuality. Specifically, this program encourages women to think about the physical and emotional consequences of unsafe sex. It helps them achieve a sense of mastery and positive expectations when discussing sexual history, HIV/AIDS testing, monogamy, spermicide and condom use, and other health-related concerns with their partners. In addition, the program teaches participants how to effectively negotiate safer sex with one's partner and maintain safer sex goals. This program was field tested with pregnant low-income African-American and white women who were using medical center obstetrics services in Akron, Ohio. Compared to control groups, participants showed significant and sustained increases in HIV/AIDS knowledge, safer sex goals, and safer-sex behaviors, including spermicide and condom purchases and use.
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Planning & Pre-Implementation
- Other Documents
- General AIDS Competency I
- General AIDS Competency II
- General AIDS Competency III
- General AIDS Competency IV
- General AIDS Competency V & VI
Product Details
- Four 1.5-2 hour small group sessions
- Group discussion and role plays
- Cognitive rehearsal and guided fantasy exercises