National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 2015
Investigators: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Publication Date: December 31, 2018
About This Product
The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is the principal source of information on the health of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States and is one of the major data collection programs of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The main objective of the NHIS is to monitor the health of the United States population through the collection and analysis of data on a broad range of health topics. A major strength of this survey lies in the ability to categorize these health characteristics by many demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.
NHIS data are used widely throughout the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to monitor trends in illness and disability and to track progress toward achieving national health objectives. The data are also used by the public health research community for epidemiologic and policy analysis of such timely issues as characterizing those with various health problems, determining barriers to accessing and using appropriate health care, and evaluating Federal health programs.
The NHIS questionnaire consists of two parts: (1) a set of basic health and demographic items (known as the Core questionnaire), and (2) Supplements. The Core questions remain largely unchanged from year to year and allow for trends analysis and for data from more than one year to be pooled to increase sample size for analytic purposes. The Core contains four major components: Household, Family, Sample Adult, and Sample Child. The Household component collects limited demographic information on all of the individuals living in a particular house. The Family component verifies and collects additional demographic information on each member from each family in the house and collects data on topics including health status and limitations, injuries, healthcare access and utilization, health insurance, and income and assets. The Family Core component allows the NHIS to serve as a sampling frame for additional integrated surveys as needed. From each family in the NHIS, one sample adult and one sample child (if any children are present) are randomly selected and information on each is collected with the Sample Adult Core and the Sample Child Core questionnaires. Because some health issues are different for children and adults, these two questionnaires differ in some items but both collect basic information on health status, health care services, and health behaviors.
- Family File
- Household File
- Injury Episode File
- Person File
- Sample Child File
- Sample Adult File
- Sample Adult Cancer File
- Imputed Income Files
- Paradata File
- Functioning and Disability File
- Family Disability Questions File
- Family File
- Household File
- Injury Episode File
- Person File
- Sample Child File
- Sample Adult File
- Sample Adult Cancer File
- Imputed Income Files
- Paradata File
- Functioning and Disability File
- Family Disability Questions File
- 103,789 subjects
- Raw Data, SPSS and SAS Program Statements, and Questionnaires
- User’s Guide to the Machine-Readable Files