Current Population Surveys: Annual Demographic Survey (also known as March Supplement)
Investigators: United States Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics
Publication Date: March 22, 2016
About This Product
The Current Population Surveys (CPS), sponsored jointly by the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is the nationís primary source of labor force statistics for the entire population. The CPS is the source of numerous high-profile economic statistics including the Nationís unemployment rate and provides data on the wide range of issues relating to employment and earnings. The CPS is a multistage probability sample of housing units in the United States. It produces monthly labor force and related estimates for the total U.S, civilian noninstitutional population and for various age, sex, race, and ethnic groups.
The Annual Demographic Survey (ADS), also known as the March Supplement collects data on family characteristics, household composition, marital status, migration, income from all sources, information on weeks worked, time spent looking for work or on layoff from a job, occupation and industry classification of the job held longest during the year, health insurance coverage and receipt of noncash benefits. The ADS sample consists of the March CPS sample and November CPS households containing at least one person of Hispanic origin. The 2001 Annual Demographic Survey consists of 143 variables and 64,362 cases in the household data, 75 variables and 56,480 cases in the family data, and 466 variables and 128,821 cases in the person data.
- 684 variables
- 128,821 subjects
- Raw Data, SPSS and SAS Program Statements, SPSS Portable Files, and Codebooks
- User’s Guide to the Machine-Readable Files